Natural Phenomena – Extraordinary Time-Lapse Video

This stunning time-lapse video will wow you. Made by Reid Gower, the footage was taken with a Nikon D300, a Canon 5DMII, and a GoPro Hero 2 in locations across the USA, Canada, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Poland, Germany, and the Czech Republic.

The description on Reid’s vimeo page is:

Humans are part of the natural order. We’re risen apes that acquired language and learned to use tools. Skyscrapers and spacecraft may seem unnatural, but they’re just as much a part of the natural order as beaver dams and bird nests. Boring electrical lines hint at the energy solution of a mammalian species. Open your eyes to the world you’ve grown accustomed to, and rejoice in the fact that you can participate in the human project. – @ReidGower –



TimeScapes: a visually stunning movie, featuring slow-motion and timelapse photography

TimeScapes is the worlds first movie to be sold to the public in 4K. 4K is an amazing 4096 x 2304 pixels, although most modern TV’s only go up to 1920 x 1080 pixels. If you decide to download TimeScapes you are going to need to clear out some hard drive space, because the movie  is 160GB in 4K

TimeScapes was created by Tom Lowe, who spent 250 nights outdoors under the stars, while his Canon 5D Mark II and a 4K Red MX camera was capturing the amazing timelapes.  Last year Tom won the Astronomy Photographer of the year award, for his photo “Blazing Bristlecone” (below), which was just one frame from his film. You can buy a copy of Timescapes here, or on iTunes.

Blazing Bristlecone. Photo by Tom Lowe

Take Control of Time

shooting a time lapse
Sunsets are prime time lapse subjects - by Brynn

One of the more fascinating exercises in photography is shooting a time lapse.  To be able to  compress hours worth of activity into just a few seconds.  It never fails that you’ll see an event in a different light, you’ll notice things you can’t see at normal speed.

Shooting time lapse is a fairly straightforward process.


You’ll need:

  • A camera with a built-in interval timer or that accepts a third party timer
  • A very large storage card or the ability to change cards in the middle of shooting
  • A spare battery or plug-in power
  • A sturdy tripod
  • A video editing system with the ability to import a series of images as video

Doing The Calculations

First, decide the frame rate of your video timeline. I use 24 frames per second as my standard because it fits with my video time lines, which are either 24 or 30 fps.  The math works like this for 24p:

Length of event:  3 hours
Desired length of final video segment:  90 seconds
Number of frames needed for final video segment:  90 x 24 = 2,160

3 hours is 10,800 seconds.

To compress 10,800 seconds into 2,160 frames that means 1 frame every 5 seconds (10,800/2160).

Each actual minute of real time will be 0.5 seconds of video.  One frame every five seconds should yield a nice, smooth motion in the final video, perfect for clouds, sunrises and smooth continuous motion.

If the shot has a lot of moving pieces, like people and cars moving around, you may want to raise the frame rate for more continuity in the final product.  Otherwise you have cars suddenly appearing and disappearing in the video instead of driving through.

Set up

  • Pick your subject and find a good location for your camera (on a tripod) that will not be disturbed by anyone
  • Set your camera to take JPG pictures to save space
  • Set your camera to manual mode
  • Turn off auto-focus
  • Turn off auto white balance
  • Take a test shot and adjust your cameras settings to your liking
  • Wait

Once you are done you will need to use a movie making program like Quicktime Pro to put together your video.
Good luck and happy shooting!

The world from a child’s perspective, a guy mounts a time lapse camera to a wagon

A guy attaches a time lapse camera to his kids wagon and takes them on a tour of the neighbourhood. It’s is quite interesting to see the world from a child’s prospective.

Do you remember your childhood wagon? Remember how the world was so big? This guy attaches a time lapse camera to his kids wagon and takes them on a tour of the neighbourhood. It’s is quite interesting to see the world from a child’s prospective.