Inflatable Photo Studio Space

massiera industries
Massiera Industries creates a bounce house for photographers

Massiera Industries has come up with a clever idea for people who need studio space but can’t afford a rental studio. The company is offering several varieties of inflatable studio that come with a different set of features.

Ranging in size from 15 to 30 feet wide, these inflatable studios are easy to transport, and take only a few minutes to set up. When the shooting day is done, the packing up doesn’t take much longer than folding up a tent.

The concept allows photographers to have studio space anywhere they have a flat space and electricity. The smaller units pack up to box roughly two feet square and weigh less than 50 pounds and come pre-fitted with tie-downs for anchoring them against wind gusts. In some situations having the extra indoor space could be a life saver.

With a portable generator it would be possible to stage a studio shoot in the middle of nowhere. Not entirely certain why you’d want to do that, but if the weather kicked up on a location shoot it might be handy to have in the truck.

At least one model has a diffused natural light roof the others are made to keep the natural light outside.

The units use an external fan for inflation, much like the bouncy house you rent for your kid’s birthday party. The fans and air flow are hardly noticeable inside, potentially making them useful for location video besides photography. The entry door is wide enough to accommodate most equipment.

My only concern would be how well they regulate temperature in a hot climate, but that problem would seem to be easily resolved with either interior fans or a small cooling unit.

Massiera is currently in negotiations with one of the better known New York photo/video stores for exclusive North American distribution rights. Pricing hasn’t been finalized yet but is expected to be in the $1,800 to $2,000 range for one of the smaller units.