In The Digital Age Prints Still Rule

art gallery
Your prints may not appear in an art gallery, but you still want them to look good - by Spiritia

Even in the digital age there is a lot of demand for prints. As far as digital picture frames have come in form and function, there’s something uniquely personal and appealing about a quality print. Probably one of the reasons you won’t find many galleries using digital displays.

The good news is you have a bewildering array of really chic display options on a variety of new papers and print materials. The same care you put into taking pictures should be put into the printing and display, after all that’s how the world will see your work. Most of these suggestions are offered by more than one lab, so shop competitively.

Floating Gallery Blocks

These come in a bewildering number of options and arrangements. I’d spend some time comparing the possible design and layout options.

I also count Splits and Clusters in this group, which gives you even more options and price points. You can get everything from desk size splits up to full-size room hangings. They can be made from a single print or multiple photos.

Press Printed Books

Few things can highlight your work like a well-designed press printed book. Select both the pictures and background with custom colors and binding options.

Again, a product that is going to take a bit of research when it comes to selecting the photos, paper, and binding options. I’d suggest springing the extra money for the lay-flat page binding.

Textured Prints

You can choose from textured paper, canvas, linen hand-tinted canvas, and a world of different types of paper finishes.

This category also includes the new metallic papers, which can make your colors pop. Really good prints on metallic paper can look like they’re back lit.

Metal Prints

These are really popular right now. Choose from printing on standard aluminum sheets, or get the type that are shaped to stand on their own.

The advantage to metal prints is, under the right conditions, they’ll last a lifetime. Beyond that it’s just neat, a photo print on a piece of metal. Seriously, how cool is it they can do that?

Glass Prints

For something different you might want to try printing on glass. I stumbled upon this company a few weeks back, there process really makes the pictures come to life.

You can also have your own pictures printed on almost anything you can imagine: Calendars, coffee mugs, t-shirts, blankets, greeting cards, just about anything.