Location Shooting Tips

Location shooting
Is there a bathroom here? Would you want to use it if there were? by ceridwen

Location shooting is fun, but you have to pack smart. There just won’t be room for everything you might want to have along on a shoot, especially if you’re working with more than one model at the same location.

Luckily I work with a couple different studios that have a wide variety of locations within walking distance, including one across the street from the beach access. We can also pick from rail yards, a junk yard, and an abandoned warehouse.

Being close to the studio solves the top two problems: A bathroom and a place for the models to change. If you’re going to be away from the studio, something like a portable changing room can come in handy.

A mirror is a must for hair and makeup touch-ups, but it doesn’t have to be huge. A pocket-size mirror is just fine.

Bring a cooler with some drinks and snacks. I have a little cooler on wheels that’s just perfect, with the added bonus I can stack my camera bag on top. Bring just enough to go around in case shooting runs long. It’ll keep everyone in a better mood if you can keep their blood sugar out of the tank. I grab a handful of those pre-packaged kid snacks at the grocery store because the portion sizes are just right.

If you’re going to be working out away from support buildings, it’s pretty easy these days to pack a small generator and they’re cheap. There’s no reason to be power poor anywhere now, especially if all you’re running is some floor flash units, or charging camera batteries. A 1,000 watt generator will run everything except an A/C unit.

Finally, if you’re working with more than one model at the same location, bring something for them to do on breaks, especially if you’re working in an area outside cell coverage. One of those little electronic game consoles, or something to keep them busy.

And whatever you do, don’t forget the gaffer tape and throw a roll of double-sided tape in your camera bag as well. That can be a lifesaver for equipment malfunctions.