We’ve just pushed a couple of tweaks to snapsort.com! These are pretty minor, but we felt they needed to be addressed quickly.
Getting the comparison you asked for
A few people had pointed out to us that when they’d requested a comparison of one camera they might get a comparison of another camera.
Behind the scenes there are a number of cameras that are given different names in different geographic regions, for example the camera known as the Canon Rebel T1i in North America is known as the Canon EOS 500D in Europe. Initially we had this represented as just one camera in our system with two names, and one of the names was chosen arbitrarily as the main name.
We’ve improved how this works now, representing alternate names as separate (but related) cameras, so people who ask for a comparison of the Canon Rebel T1i vs the Canon Rebel XS will get the comparison they asked for!
Improved Comparison Search
The comparison search boxes will now find the camera you’re looking for even if you don’t type in (or use the auto completion) to find the full name. For example, if you type in “Canon 40D” and not use the auto completion, we’ll now find the right camera without you having to type in “Canon EOS 40D”.
Improved Autosuggest
Previously when you typed in something like “Nikon” into a comparison search we’d show you a rather arbitrarily sorted list of cameras. Now, the list of suggestions is sorted first by match closesness (as it was before) and then by new-ness of the camera, so if you type in “Nikon” you’ll see a list of the the most recent cameras released by Nikon.
Keep the feedback coming, thanks!