Remember those beautiful photos that were lost in the New York City blizzard? Well they found their way home

Back in January Todd Bieber (no relation) was skiing through Brooklyn’s Prospect Park, when he came across a roll of film in the snow. He had the pictures developed and started his search to find the owners of the lost film. He created a video that quickly went viral, and has been viewed by over 1.2 million people (Here is our orinal post).

Todd was interviewed by press from all around the world and got hundreds of emails from people trying to help find the owner. Todd started to give up hope that he would ever find the owner of the lost film.

But it turns out it was just a matter of time until his original video made its way to the owner, in Paris. True to his goal for the year (to have more adventure in his life) Todd and his girlfriend flew over and deliver the film in person. They also visited with people all across Europe who had helped him along the way.