How Much Do Photographers Make?

julie caitlin brown
Most photographers don't make as much or look as good as Juile Caitlin Brown - by Craig Damon

Those of you new to the business may be wondering how much money photographers make. The answer will likely depend on a number of factors such as where you live, how long you’ve been in the business, and your area of specialty.

The bottom line answer: Not a lot. Especially when compared to other career options, like nursing. Not only is the pay meager but the stress level is quite high. In a recent CNN Money survey, commercial photographer was the only job that got a 100 percent stressful rating. Higher than fundraisers, parole officers, and a near par with prison guards, who also make more money.

Incomes from photography can vary widely. The lower 10 percent averages just under $18,000/year. Even the very top earners average out to around $64,000/year. Compare that to nursing, where the average nursing salary is $65,651 and the low end of the scale is over $56,000.

The best paid photographers live in the District of Columbia, New York, California and Hawaii, so at least you can’t complain about the scenery. The very best paying photography jobs are, somewhat ironically, in the motion picture and video industries.

The salary information answers some of the important questions like, “Is getting a degree in photography worth it?” If the answer is you’ll be making about the same as someone working at McDonald’s, what do you think?

What skews these numbers are very large, high-end studios, most of which are located in New York and California. They make a lot of money and work for large commercial customers. Those slick, glossy brochures with stunning photos of new cars don’t happen by accident. But they also give people a skewed idea of the industry.

One benefit to being a professional photographer, if you can prove you actually make your living that way to the IRS, much of your equipment becomes deductible. And you don’t have to punch a clock or put up with a boss you don’t like.